Welcome to my new site! I’ve made it cleaner and meaner, with brand new content and lots more on the way. I know I said end of July and it’s August 1st, but hey, it’s finally here. Take care and I’ll be adding more updates soon (especially merchandise $$$)!
Tag Archives: updates
New Site coming Later This Month!
What’s good! Hope everyone is fat with barbeque ribs and potato salad! Good news everyone! I’m almost finished with a new design for my site, and with a little more content, I hope to launch later this month for my one year on the web anniversary. Hope my blog finds you in good spirits, and hopefully the next time you read this, it will be in my brand new layout!
Technology Sucks Part 2
To add to my, problems, my hard drive failed on me last week, and could not have come at a worse time. Oh well I guess. Anyone who owns a computer heed my words: BACK UP EVERYTHING! Oh and happy belated Easter, or as I like to call it………….Easter! (Ha…expecting something else weren’t you, like “Chocolate Bunny Day” or something of that nature….NO SOUP FOR YOU!…..err…sorry.)
Working Hard
Just a recap of all the stuff I’ve been doing:
- Usual website stuff
- Figuring out a redesign for this site
- Competed in a beat battle in Jersey
- Had lunch with Jesus and Lao Tzu
- Slept a little
- Ate a little
- Ate a lot, actually
- Trying to make everything work
If I’ve seen distant to anyone I know I apologize but there’s been so much stuff going on that a weblog can’t explain it. But I haven’t forgotten anyone, and I’ll make time soon enough.
Oh Snap!!!
You know your busy when you forget you own a website. Just to let you guys who actually come here know, I’ve been steadily working on a couple of projects (2 of them animated!), and it has kept my focus away from here. But don’t worry, I’ll be back with some real gifts for y’all.
Now foolish mortals, be off with you, and check back soon!!!