Happy New Year! Yeah, I’m about 2 weeks and more than a couple pounds after the fact, but still. Hope everyone is trying to start their year strong.
This year is one for better organization and time management. Usually I see this in terms of work, but I’m also trying to manage my free time and optimize my learning. I recently started an account on LibraryThing, and already I’m enjoying the process of trying to remember all the books I’ve read as I come up with a reading list for this year. I’ve already re-read The Hobbit, and currently reading The Silmarillion for the very first time. I’m a quarter of the way through, and while it may seem like Middle-Earth overload or even silly to do a prequel of a prequel, the opening chapters alone almost warrant their own entry in the cinematic universe (so long as they steer clear from introducing unnecessary nods to the other films).
I want to read at least 12 books this year, but likely more. At the urging of my awesome fiancee (who is the main contributor to my reading renaissance as a whole), I’ll be moving to Dostoyevsky works next. I also have to fit a re-reading of the A Song of Ice and Fire series in before the next book is published, but I have some time until then!