Technology Sucks


…however, its what I do, so I do what I can to coexist peacefully. But I can’t stand it! Between Yahoo! deleting my account (they still haven’t got back to me and it’s been a while) and my laptop’s power acting up (shows battery when it’s plugged in), I’m getting really frustrated. Oh well, stuff happens I guess.

Lastly, a movie review of sorts. I saw a movie this week called Tetsuo: The Iron Man. Now, I’ve seen many gory, gut-wrenching things in my day without a second thought, and was afraid that maybe I was becoming desensitized to things. This movie put me in my place. If you are the anti-social type and have someone who keeps pestering you, give them this movie and tell them it’s your favorite. If they still talk to you after that (or say it’s their favorite too) you may want to move to another state (or country). I’m sure there is a logical explanation for the film, but until I hear it, I guess this will be “that which I don’t speak of.”